b'separated due to COVID-19, said Sharoneasier, and have a landline telephone or cell Cooksey, Marketing and Communicationsphone and charger nearby along with a local Manager for Kidde. This part of theemergency number in case you are trapped population is particularly vulnerableby smoke or fire. Keep a flashlight and to home fires, so its critical for familywhistle near your bed to signal for help.members to understand how to keep their Be extra cautious in the kitchen. Seniors older loved ones safe when they cant be65 and older are 2.5 times more likely to there in person. suffer from life-threatening or fatal injuries Kidde shares the following advice forin kitchen fires compared to the rest of the seniors and their caretakers: population. Never leave cooking unattendedAnticipate your needs. Escaping quicklyand turn off the oven and burners once can be challenging for many older adults. Befinished. Consider programming kitchen sure to keep glasses, hearing aids, canes ordevices to automatically shut off after a set wheelchairs close to your bed at night so canperiod of time, and avoid wearing loose you easily access them in an emergency. clothing as it can easily catch fire. Prepare your sleeping area. According to Check your escape route. Ensure youre the U.S. Fire Administration, the majorityable to open all doors and windows in your of fatal fires occur when people are sleeping.home; locks and pins should open easily Consider sleeping in a roomfrom the inside. Know how to operate under Blue Oaks - change to: Cremation & Burial Services - she wants lower caseon the ground flooremergency release devices on any security to help make anbars on doors and windows and check that emergency escapewindows havent been nailed shut, or sealed The list of services: please change:CREMATIONS to CREMATION Fire Safety on Page 17Delete In-Home Appts to SCATTERING SERVICESYOUR LOCAL PLUMBERAdd a 1 before phone number - 1-916-787-6257EAGLEAdd CA after Roseville - Roseville, CA BLUE OAKSPLUMBING Cremation & Burial ServicesAdd www before website -www.blueoakscbs.com and ROOTERTRADITIONAL FUNERALSSCATTERING SERVICESOUR MISSION IS SIMPLE: We provide high quality GRAVESIDE SERVICESVETERAN ARRANGEMENTSservices and go above and beyond. Open communication IMMEDIATE BURIALSSHIP IN/OUT ARRANGEMENTSand exceptional service ensure total satisfaction forCREMATIONFLORIST & MEMORIAL MERCHANDISEour valued customers.MEMORIAL SERVICESCOMPLIMENTARY ONLINE GUESTBOOKAVAILABLE 24 HOURS 7 DAYS A WEEK Toilet & Sink InstallationsRooter Water HeatersJetting MyGuaranteeis Whole-house RepipesSewer Scope AffordableCostwith Leak LocationLocating ExceptionalValue916-645-2500 We treat your home Gloria Childs, Owner/Funeral Director FD-3058Tim Martin, Owner like our own.Licensed & Insured #870411 FREE ESTIMATESNO SERVICE CHARGE 1-916-787-6257No Extra Charge forNights, Weekends or Holidays 300 Harding Blvd. #201, Roseville, CAwww.blueoakscbs.comFAMILY OWNED & OPERATEDFUNERAL ESTABLISHMENT IN ROSEVILLEFD-19872021-23 PLACER COUNTY SENIOR DIRECTORY11'