b'Be a Stroke HeroHow to Identify the Signs of Stroke and Why You Should Act FastT he sudden onset of stroke symptoms candisability worldwide. Today, only 10% of happen to anyone at any time, makingstroke survivors make a full recovery and education about the signs and symptoms25% recover with minor impairments. of a brain attack the first line of defense toForty percent of survivors experience stroke prevention. moderate to severe impairments that Im a fanatical fan of football, so yourequire special care. Strokes are common can imagine how excited I was to enterand deadly, but the good news is almost the stadium to see my favorite team play;all strokes can be prevented.but I lost my balance and fell. Im luckyWHAT IS STROKE?the people near me jumped into actionA stroke happens when the blood and called 911, recalled stroke survivorvessels carrying nutrients to the brain William Martin. They are the real heroeseither form a clot or rupture, causing a in my medical emergency story; they knewsudden blockage in the arteries leading to the signs of a stroke. the brain. When that happens, part of the Stroke is the second leading causebrain cannot get the blood (and oxygen) it of death and third leading cause ofneeds, so it and brain cells die.an rhf community Callfor a BrochureServing the area for over 30 years!COMMITTED TO SERVICEDEDICATED TO EXCELLENCEENHANCING QUALITY OF LIFEAUBURN RAVINETERRACEALL-SIERRA SEPTIC NON-PROFIT, FAITH-BASEDYour First Choice in Septic Service Assisted LivingSenior Living Skilled Nursing Services & Amenities AboundAuburn(530) 887-1088 (530)823-6131Colfax(530) 367-2997 750 Auburn Ravine Road, Auburnauburnravineterrace.orgGrass Valley(530) 272-5540 TDD 1-500-545-1833 ext. 359LANGUAGE ASSISTANCE SERVICES (562) 257-5255P. O. BOx 1666, GRASS VALLEy EMAIL: AuburnRavineTerrace@rhf.org8PLACER COUNTY SENIOR DIRECTORY 2021-23'