b'We were impressed with the place and the management, Jay Stevans said. When Martha (now 84) walks in, the lady at the front desk greets her warmly, gives her her name tag to put on. She walks through the rooms door and shes greeted warmly by the personnel. People are around the tables, and off they go.I leave totally comfortable that, unlessFire Safety from Page 11something very unexpected happens,shut with paint. If they have, arrange for theres five hours of a very positive day forsomeone to break the seals around your her, Jay Stevans said. home and remove any nails.GUEST RELATIONSHIPS & CAREGIVER RESPITEInstall interconnected alarms Martha Stevans and Emma Wilsonthroughout the home. Seniors are often have made friends among the other guestsmore likely to die in a home fire due at Daycation. It has become part of theirto hearing loss and mobility issues. If routines, and they look forward to going, theirone sounds, all sound in unison - this loved ones said. can help alert seniors to a fire incident sooner. Alarms should be installed COVID-19 PRECAUTIONS on every level of the home (including Daycation for Seniors complies with all California statebasements), in every bedroom and licensure requirements for COVID-19 safety. outside each sleeping area.SAFETY PRECAUTIONS INCLUDE:For older Americans who are unableParticipants and staff wash hands multiple times daily. to access their alarms every six months,Staff wear masks. consider a 10-year sealed battery smokeF acility is thoroughly cleaned and surfaces are sanitized atalarm that eliminates the need for the end of each day. Staff is tested for COVID-19. frequent battery replacement. Daycation for Seniors asks that guests be fully vaccinated.Consider a strobe alarm or bed shaker. For older residents who are deaf One day, when Jay Stevans came to pickor hard-of-hearing, or who remove up his wife, he saw a touching scene: Marthahearing aids to sleep, consider alarms Stevans was in a circle of other women, andwith strobe (flashing) lights for a greater they were talking and laughing. The aidechance of waking a sleeping person.said, these three ladies, all they did all day wasFor more fire and carbon monoxide just sit there and talk, Jay Stevans recalled.safety tips for your entire family, visit They get along fantastic. It really distractskidde.com/seniorsafety. (BPT)from the negative.Wilson enjoys the games. Shes very competitive, daughter Mahdi added. One afternoon, when Mahdi arrived to pick her up, Wilson shooed her off. She says to me, Im still playing! Mahdi recalled, chuckling.If someone has a parent that they are taking care of, Daycation is the answerRoofing Supplies for thefor me, Mahdi said. It gives me my timeRoofing Industry Since 1974with my kids. Sometimes we need thatLicense #697425family moment. Meanwhile, I know my530-823-3812530-823-3632moms having a good time, and I dontRoseRoofingandSupply.com144 Team Track Rd. Auburnhave to stress.2021-23 PLACER COUNTY SENIOR DIRECTORY17'