b'Costly Wireless Plans? How To Use Less Data and Save MoneyD oes your lifestyle require an unlimitedAt that rate, youll burn through even the stream of data? At first glance, theresmost robust data package in no time.probably nothing wrong with thisTry connecting to Wi-Fi instead. Its assumption: After all, think about how muchwidely available, and lets you stream without of your day is spent on data-dependentusing any cellular data at all, often with a activities like streaming video and music, orfaster connection. While connected to Wi-searching the internet. Fi, you can also download videos, TV shows But all of this can be done while using faror movies to your phone or SD card to watch less, and sometimes even none, of the dataat your convenience, with no data required.from your cellular plan. Try these simple tipsIn addition, when youre streaming video to save money on your wireless plan. on a small screen, such as a cellphone, you TAME THE VIDEO BEAST really dont need high resolution. Many apps Watching video on your smartphone isgive you the ability to change video quality convenient, but its a data glutton. A full- settings, and therefore consume less data. For length Netflix movie consumes about 1GBNetflix, log into your account and switch to of data per hour in standard definition video,one of three settings: low (using 0.3GB per and up to 3GB per hour in high definition.hour), medium (which uses 0.7GB per hour) Bill Eads RV SWE BUY, SELL& CONSIGN RV S55-65 pre-ownedRVs in stockCA LIC #44674(916) 624-7600Visit our inventory: www.billeadsrv.com4409 Granite Drive, RocklinOriginal Mels Diner1730 Grass Valley Hwy.(530) 823-6357Original Mels Diner - Auburn12PLACER COUNTY SENIOR DIRECTORY 2021-23'