b'People with Dementia Get Social,Mental Spark at Daycation for SeniorsCaregivers Feel Confident About Stress-free RespiteBy Trina KleistE mmaWilsonwasanGuests and an aide enjoy live amazing mom. She raisedmusic with her only child with lovea band that comes in and made sure she received afour days a good education. week.But when Wilson, now 84, startedshowingsignsof dementia,herdaughter, LatriceMahdi,brought Wilson into her own home. You could call Mahdi theEmma Wilson, standing, haminthegenerationalenjoys playing sandwich.At43,Mahdigames with other guests, hasthreechildrenofherincluding ownathome,plusherLatrice Mahdi, left, says she feels confidentbean-bag toss.husbandandafull-timeabout leaving her mother, Emma Wilson, right, job as a speech therapist. at Daycation for Seniors while she works.Photos by Yvonne MitchellCaring for her mother has been beautifulDAYCATION: BRIDGE IN SENIOR CAREin many ways, including walks togetherCo-owners Paul Kelly and Yvonne and watching Wilson grow closer to herMitchell had families like the Mahdis in grandchildren. At the same time, Mahdimind when they opened Daycation for said, it honestly has been very mentallySeniors in 2014. Together, they bring nearly and emotionally draining. Its probably the55 years of experience in senior care. During hardest thing Ive ever gone through.those years, Kelly noticed many people living Latrice Mahdi knew she needed help.in residential care facilities didnt need such a She found Daycation for Seniors, ahigh level of care. Their families could care for sociallyfocused daycare center for adultstheir loved ones at homeand save enormous with dementia, in Rocklin. expenseif they had more support, he said.You can feel when you walk in, the peopleWere a bridge in their care, Kelly said, a that work there, theyre just very, very sweet,service that can provide whats needed, while Mahdi said. Once (my mother) comes in,perhaps postponing the need for a higher they know shes confused. Theyll say, Hilevel of attention. Daycation offers a wide Emma! and hug her, and that calms herrange of activities that help participants stay down. They know how to ease her into thementally and physically healthy longer.transition of coming in.That moment of transition is important forWhat we offer that people really value is Mahdi, who often is dropping off her motherthe social aspect. By having an opportunity DAYCATION FOR SENIORSon her way to work. Im very comfortableto engage and reminisce with a community (916) 899-6166leaving her there, and I know theyre givingof friends, older adults can feel as if theyre Daycation-Seniors Day Careher things to stimulate her mind. leading a more normal and grounded life, Call to schedule a free tour.SEE THEIR AD ON THE INSIDE BACK COVER. Mitchell added.2021-23 PLACER COUNTY SENIOR DIRECTORY15'