b'Combating Social IsolationRegain Pre-Pandemic Physical and Mental HealthE ven before COVID-19 limited socialFoundation. We must do all we can to contact with friends, family andhelp older adults, who have suffered greatly colleagues, many adults experiencedduring COVID-19, strengthen the social loneliness and depression due to limitedconnections that are so essential to their contact with others. Now, a year after theability to lead longer, healthier lives.pandemic forced many people into evenFor example, AARP Foundations greater levels of isolation, the issue of socialConnect2Affect platform equips older adults isolation is especially prevalent in Americanswith the tools they need to stay physically over the age of 50. and mentally healthy and connected to their Despite the physical implications of acommunities. The AARP Essential Rewards global pandemic, research shows the mentalMastercard from Barclays is helping fund health stakes are high, too. A nationwidethe foundations work to increase social survey, commissioned by Barclays, found thatconnection with donations based on new half of Americans over the age of 50 said theaccounts and eligible purchases, up to $1 isolation from their friends and family hasmillion annually.been more challenging than concerns overA little creativity and a commitment to health risks they may face. filling time productively can help reduce the Social isolation has provided plentystrain of being alone until its safer to resume of time for Americans to reflect on theirsocial activities.priorities. The majority of AmericansUse technology to connect with loved surveyed (90%) have re-evaluated theirones. Video chats and traditional phone post age-50 goals and put spending morecalls can help you feel connected even when time with family at the top of their lists.you cant be together in person. While a In fact, the most common first thing 50- drop-in call can be fun, consider arranging plus Americans will do once COVID-19regular visits with kids and grandkids. If you is over is to see and spend time with theirschedule calls throughout the week, youll families (41%). have something regular to look forward to While restrictions are beginning toand can benefit from a check-in that affirms ease, many older adults are still isolatedeveryone is healthy and safe.from friends and family, and that takes aMake time for physical activity. Staying toll on their mental well-being said Lisacloser to home may mean youre not getting Marsh Ryerson, president of the AARPthe exercise you once did, but its important Secure Memory Care Services Medication ManagementSingle Level Building Warm-Hearted StaffMedical Transportation 24-Hour Awake StaffAll Day Dining oakwoodseniorliving.com Full Salon Services2010-2020 (530) 889-81223388 Bell Road, AuburnASSISTED LIVING & MEMORY CARE Lic #3170002376PLACER COUNTY SENIOR DIRECTORY 2021-23'