b'Reclaim Your HealthTake charge of risk factors affecting your heart healthC holesterola waxy substance created by the liver or consumed from meat, poultry and dairy productsisnt inherently bad for you. In fact, your body needs it to build cells and make vitamins and other hormones. However, too much bad LDL cholesterol, or not enough good HDL cholesterol, can pose problems. High cholesterol is one of the major controllable risk factors for heart disease and stroke. Because it typically has no symptoms, you may not know you have high cholesterol until its already causing problems. Knowing key health numbers like your blood sugar, blood pressure and cholesterol, and working closely with your doctor to manage them, are keys to preventing heart disease and stroke. Those who have already experienced a heart attack or stroke or have family history of cardiovascular disease, chronic inflammatory disease or kidney disease may need to have their cholesterol and other risk factors checked more often and may need medication to manage their conditions to prevent another event. can help manage your risk and help you live a longer, healthier According to the American Heart Association, as many as 1life like watching what you eat, getting more exercise and in 4 survivors will have another heart attack or stroke. Alongmanaging stress.with taking your medication as prescribed, some lifestyle habitsReclaim continued on page 22D iscoverextraordinary classical music2022-2023 THIRD SUNDA Y SEASONExperience world-renowned InConcert Sierra is a gold mine musicians, emerging of exceptional classical music award-winning young artists, concerts and robust educational and top-tier local performersprograms for you to discover! Simply the Best in Classical Music Classical Music to Rock Your World! Visit us at InConcertSierra.org20SENIOR DIRECTORYWestern Nevada County Edition 2022-2023'