b'wwNaturopathic MedicineHELPS THE BODY HEAL ITSELFDoctors draw from science, tradition to guide patients toward mental healthN aturopathic medicine is based onconventional doctors to pull from both science-tested and traditionalnatural medicine. Its coming to the therapies, with the goal of healingforefront, he says.the root cause of maladies. Weve got hundreds of years of patient-centeredNaturopathy hasfocus within naturopathic medicine,six guiding principles:says Dr. Gregory Weisswasser, N.D., of Whitewater Naturopathic Medicine inDo no harm, and use the safest Grass Valley. \x07 \x07\x07In treating mental and emotionaltreatment first. health amid the pandemic,Draw from the healing power of naturopathic professionals will looknature. People have an inherent both at brain physiology and at theself-healing ability, and we want to larger environmental and social factorsstimulate that, Weisswasser said. Naturopathicpeople experience.Identify and treat the causes. doctors GregoryNaturopathic doctors use nutrition,The doctor is foremost a teacher, and Carolynhomeopathic and botanical medicines, Weisswasser findeducating the patient in healthy nurture for theirand physical medicine in treatment.living.souls in nature, enjoyingStarting in 2004, they gained the same family time with sons Jonah, left and Treat the whole person: mental, Lev Weisswasser, right, in the manylegal status for diagnosing and treating beautiful areas Nevada County offers.medical conditions as conventionalphysical, emotional and social. We are so lucky to live here, he says. medical doctors in California. All these factors go together, Weisswasser and his wife, Dr.Weisswasser says.Carolyn Weisswasser, N.D., were Our brains are bubbling cauldronsPrevention is a major goal, so the of biochemical reactions thatamong the first in the state to receivepatient can get well and stay well, result in the complex work oflicenses, and Greg Weisswasser servedper the Association of Accredited perceiving and thinking. two terms on the state licensing board.Naturopathic Medical Colleges.Now, its much more common for MENTAL HEALTH STARTS WITH A GOOD DIETG ood food is basic to a healthy mind, as well as a healthyeggs. Avoid all hydrogenated oils and trans-fats; check the body. That was true before the COVID-19 pandemiclabels on processed foods, which are loaded with them. started more than two years ago, but the stress of thisWhen you cook with oil, lower the temperature to avoid historical moment makes that truth even more urgent. If yourbrowning, which changes the chemical structure of oils in diet has gone off-kilter, nows the time for a reset that willan unhealthy way. Reduce meats high in bad fats, including support your mental health going forward. beef and pork.Dr. Gregory Weisswasser, N.D., of Whitewater3.Eat whole grains. Processed grains such as white breadNaturopathic Medicine in Grass Valley, has thesecontribute to inflammation throughout the body, includingrecommendations for a brain-healthy diet: the brain, studies show. Grain-fed beef adds to the load, so1.Eat a rainbow diet: Fresh, colorful fruits and vegetables switch to grass-fed meat.are packed with most of the nutrients that help your brain 4. Limit refined carbs. Be aware of simple carbohydrates suchwork its best. Eat colorful things, and youll be colorful! as refined sugar, bread, pasta, rice and crackers. At the sameWeisswasser quips. time, dont be too hard on yourself, Weisswasser advises.2.Get good oils and fats. Our brains are made up of 5.Limit alcohol. More than a little can become destructive,particular kinds of fats. Get brain-healthy fats from fatty Dr. Weisswasser warns, especially when we feelfish such as salmon, fresh olive oil, avocados, nuts and frustrated or angry.2022-2023 Western Nevada County Edition SENIOR DIRECTORY 9'