b'Reclaim continued from page 22discovered he had undiagnosed hypertension, diabetes and high cholesterol. It surprised me to learn there are often no visible symptoms for high cholesterol until a heart or stroke event, Stroy said. Unfortunately, I was not diligent about my annual check-ups, so my health setbacks provided me with a huge wake-up call. Stroy decided to take control of his health and this marked the beginning of a major lifestyle transformation.The first change was quitting smoking. Next, he began incorporating exercise into his daily routine, initially with simple exercises from occupational therapy. Eventually he worked up to 2-1-1canhelpyouconnecttoallkindsof walking several miles a day. Stroy also gradually made changes resources. Here are some of the different types to his diet and went from being a meat eater to vegan. He also that can aid your family. For more information, attends regular doctors visits to keep tabs on his progress. call 2-1-1 or go online: 211ConnectingPoint.org While it was no easy feat to make such drastic lifestyle changes, they are now second nature, Stroy said. Dont put off or be afraid to go to the doctor. You could catch something early and FOR SENIORS be able to make changes that save your life. Assistive Technology(Medical Equipment, REDUCE STRESS Hearing Aids, Eyeglasses, etc.) Constant or chronic stress can have real consequences onHealth Insurance & Benefits Counseling both emotional and physical health. In fact, research shows In-Home Care chronic stressors like long work hours, financial stress andAssisted Living work-life conflict may be as risky for health as secondhandLegal Services smoke, according to a report by the Behavior Science and Policy Association. Stress can lead to unhealthy habits like FOR JOB SEEKERS DIAL 2-1-1 overeating, physical inactivity and smoking. Exercise is anEmployment & Housing Resources OR 1-844-319-4119 effective way to keep your body healthy and release stress. YouFood Assistance might also consider incorporating meditation and mindfulness practices into your day to allow yourself a few minutes toLegal Assistance distance yourself from daily stress. Transportation Options TEXT YOUR ZIP CODE Research compiled by the American Heart Association suggests TO TXT211 meditation can reduce blood pressure, improve sleep, support the FOR CHILDREN & FAMILIES (YOUR TEXT PLANSRATES WILL APPLY) immune system and increase your ability to process information.Childcare Another powerful tool, according to researchers at the UniversityChild Safety of California-San Diego, is practicing gratitude or thankfulness.Family Resource Centers Start by simply writing down three things youre grateful for eachEducation Information 211NEVADACOUNTY.ORG day. Learn more about managing your cholesterol and habits toLibraries & Reading Programs protect your heart health at heart.org/cholesterol.FAMILY FEATURESTrippsALL MAKES & MODELSFOREIGN & DOMESTICAUTO BODY FREE ESTIMATESSINCE 1975MANUFACTURER CERTIFIED (530) 273-8515600 FREEMAN LANE, GRASS VALLEY trippsautobody.comLOOKING FOR A MEDICARE COVEREDRELIABLE, HONEST AND FAIR DIABETES COUNSELING & CLASSESPLUMBER? (MEDICAL-PROVIDED REFERRAL REQUIRED)(530)HELP IS JUST A PHONE CALL AWAY! (530) 615-4155274- (530)885-7275 7275Grass ValleyNevada CityPenn Valley AuburnLake of the PinesSo. County SierraMedicalNutritionTherapy.comGRASSVALLEYPLUMBING.COM360 Sierra College Dr., Ste. 220, Grass ValleyRESIDENTIAL & COMMERCIAL LIC #8476262022-2023 Western Nevada County Edition SENIOR DIRECTORY 27'