b'garden in Nevada City grows a glorious tangle of healingclubs, gyms we coped according to our pre-existing tendencies.herbs. Some are familiar, such as basil and echinacea.For better or worse.Others are unfamiliar in the West, such as dashmool andAs a result, the person with a tendency toward drink is drinking ashwagandha, but well-known in India, where they aremore. The person with a tendency to smoke is smoking more, among more than 600 plants used in the traditional healingeating more, Halpern observes. We have a lot of tendency for practice of ayurveda. depression, for anxiety, already present in society.Students at the California College of Ayurveda plant, cultivate,Like other medical systems, ayurveda sees mental health flowing harvest and process these fragrant friends to cleanse the body offrom a web of physical, social, behavioral and spiritual aspects. toxins, defend against disease and bring balance to body,By looking at a persons essential constitution and ones natural mind and spirit. Herbal remedies are just one elementtendencies, ayurveda offers pathways to restoring ones of ayurvedic treatment, which also uses diet andnatural balance and bring healing, transformation and lifestyle changes to transform ones life.health.From ayurvedas ancient perspective,To find that pathway, an ayurvedic professional each one of us has a unique constitutionconducts an in-depth interview to determine the clients and set of individual tendencies thatindividual constitution and evaluate the behavioral tendencies determine how we respond to the daily challengesrelated to physical and mental health. A treatment plan seeks of life, including the historic challenges of the novel coronavirusto restore the clients three life forces, or doshas, to the balance pandemic established at conception. Herbs from the garden and imported This has been a tremendously stressful period of time fordirectly from India may be part of that path. Diet, physical activity everybody. People were managing their stress, then the pandemicand detoxification typically are considered, too. Depending on happens, and they cant manage it anymore, says Mark Halpern,treatment, the professional may support the client by setting goals, an ayurvedic doctor and founder of the California College ofholding weekly meetings, offering guidance and using tools such Ayurveda. As lockdowns shuttered the places where we findas email to keep the client focused on health and transformation.nourishmentA ues,Through ayurvedic counseling, were working with you toand outlets for pey schools, offic v dant-up energy r echurches, restaurants, social organizations, music venues, dancecreate new habits that are going to be healthier, Halpern says.BY TRINA KLEISTMental health flows from body, mind & consciousnessGOAL: HEALTH & TRANSFORMATIONLEARN MORE ABOUT AYURVEDANational Ayurvedic Medical AssociationAyurvedaNAMA.orgCalifornia College of AyurvedaAyurvedaCollege.com6SENIOR DIRECTORYWestern Nevada County Edition 2022-2023Photo by Trina Kleist'