b'an rhf community Callfor a NEVADA COUNTYS OWN SUPER SENIORS BrochureVivian Tipton, 58Grateful adventurer, counseling junkie, picture of transformationBy Kylene YumulCOMMITTED TO SERVICE S ixteen years ago, Vivian Tipton got a phone call DEDICATED TO EXCELLENCE while on a cruise in ENHANCING QUALITY OF LIFE the Cayman Islands: Her son, Joseph, had died of an AUBURN RAVINE overdose. She felt like she couldnt move air through her TERRACE body. For a while, she couldnt NON-PROFIT, FAITH-BASED take care of herself or even Assisted LivingSenior Livingspeak properly.Skilled Nursing Photo by Kylene Yumul Her sons death was onlyServices & Amenities Abound the first of three big losses Tipton would experience: Both her brother and father died of pancreatic cancer. She and her (530) 823-6131 brother were very close. As children, they cut a hole in the 750 Auburn Ravine Road, Auburn closets of their adjoining bedrooms so they could go back and auburnravineterrace.org forth to each others spaces. They misbehaved in high school email: auburnravineterrace@rhf.org together. She was with him when he passed. Now, Tipson says his death hurt differently because that gut shock wasnt there, Assisted Living LIC #317000174 Skilled Nursing LIC #30000172 just an aching grief. TheBestfor all U Sea sons WHEN YOUVE TOUCHED YOUR DEEPEST SORROW, R YOU UNDERSTAND THAT DEEPEST JOY. W I N T E R S P R I N G S M M E R F A L L Ski & SnowboardsKayaks The hardest thing for me are those moments when I Backpacking & Hiking Gear remember how long forever is. Forever is really long, Tipton FootwearApparelsays. But I dont live there all the time. I know that love heals Rental Equipment all, and Im not scared to love. Im not scared to do it again. I have friends whove had deep losses and they close. I didnt want to close.Tipton started running 5Ks and 10Ks to deal with his loss. Training for a marathon, she would hang out with her brother in her head, talking to him and yelling at him like she always did. Tipton ran her first marathon when she was 50. But around six years ago, she had her right knee replaced, so she switched to bicycling the trails and hired a professional to learn to ride safely. Tipton is executive director of Hospice of the Foothills, but when she retires, she plans to make exercise her everyday priority. She had her first child at 19, so she has always fit exercise in around the people at the center of her life. She longs for the day when her body, her vessel, is at the center, and other stuff fits in around that. Shes preparing now.What lights me up? The top of any hard effort. The top of the hill, Tipton says. Ninety-nine percent of the time, Im ever so grateful to be here. Its that one percent when Im not that keeps me grounded, so I dont try to fly off the top of the mountain on my bike.2019-2020Nevada County EditionSENIOR DIRECTORY 31'