b'Attracting HummingbirdsT hroughout the warmerequal. Although hummingbird months, many backyardsfeeders can attract bees and ants, play host to a variety ofthis feeder is uniquely designed to birds, including hummingbirds.keep pests at bay. It doesnt drip, so When you see flowers and treeslarge bees cant get to the nectar, begin to bud and bloom and otherplus it has a built-in ant moat to migrating birds, like warblers, thatskeep ants away from nectar when natures way of letting you knowfilled with plain water. Since birdsFind a good balance andits time to ready your yard fordrink from the moat, never useexercise programhummingbirds. any repellents or additives.BENEFICIAL INSECTS Hummingbirds are territorialLook to build balance, strength Hummingbirds rely on insects,and not likely to share feeders, soand exibility. Find a program you which provide essential protein,hang multiple feeders far enoughlike and take a friend.to complement the nectar theyapart to attract more birds. ToTalk to your healthcare providercrave. To attract insects, try placingensure a steady stream of birds, rotting fruit near feeders and leavehang feeders in the shade to avoidAsk for an assessment of your it until insects arrive for hummersfermentation of sugar-basedrisk of falling. Share your history easy eats. liquids, check feeders bi-weekly toof recent falls.keep food fresh and clean feeders as LEAVE SPIDERWEBS ALONE needed with one part white vinegarRegularly review your Hummingbirds use spiderwebs asto four parts water. medications with your doctorconstruction material to hold theirPLANT FLOWERS or pharmacistnests together and pluck insectsTrumpet honeysuckle, bee balmMake sure side effects arent caught in the webbing. and sage plants are particularlyincreasing your risk of falling. Take OFFER A WATER MISTER attractive to hummingbirds andmedications only as prescribed.Hummingbirds adore bathing; aprovide rich nectar. HummingbirdsGet your vision and hearing mister gives them the fine sprayconsume 1 1/2 times their body they prefer. Once soaked, theyreweight daily, eating every 10-15checked annually andoff to find a preening perch. minutes and visiting 1,000-2,000update your eyeglassesPROVIDE TINY PERCHES flowers per day. Your eyes and ears are key to for hummingbirds, to perch onCHOOSE THE RIGHT NECTAR keeping you on your feet.for rest, preening and hunting.Not all nectar is alike, andKeep your home safePerches provide vantage points tohummingbirds can taste the see danger and launching pads todifference. Almost all commercialRemove tripping hazards, increase swiftly pounce on insects. Oncenectars contain one sugar sourcelighting, make stairs safe and hummingbirds find a favorite sucrosebecause its cheaper to install grab bars in key areas.perch, theyll use it repeatedly. make. However, real flower nectarHANG FEEDERS FIRST contains three sugar sourcesTalk to your family membersFeeders are one of the mostsucrose, fructose and glucosein Enlist their support in taking simple effective ways to consistentlyvarying amounts depending on steps to stay safe. Falls are not entice and encouragethe flower. just a seniors issue.CLIP & SAVEhummingbirds to come visit. However, not all feeders are created Dont forget, hummingbirds have memories like elephants; once they discover your hummer-friendly habitat, theyll come back every year if theres a reliable food source. Learn more atcoleswildbird.com. FAMILY FEATURES28SENIOR DIRECTORYWestern Nevada County Edition 2022-2023'